Boyne Boats’


When you embark on your Boyne Boats experience, you’ll be comfortably seated in one of our handmade, currach boats. As seen on Game of Thrones, your currach boats are custom built in a community boatyard, based out of Cork City. Specialising in crafting traditional Irish wooden and skin boats, you’re guaranteed a genuine currach experience.

Boyne Boats’ currachs are 7m long and 1.4 wide, making them perfectly suited for 8 paddlers and a helm to guide the way on the Battle of the Boyne tour. Once found in all the Celtic lands, but now exclusively to Ireland, our Kerry Naomhóg currachs are sleek with a long waterline, making them ideal for travelling the distances of the Boyne River and Boyne canal.

You may recognise our currach boats from various films and television productions. Kerry Naomhóg currachs are sought out on set due to the boat’s ability to manoeuvre in tight spaces with a full crew. In fact, Boyne Boats have trained various cast members and extras in Game of Thrones on completing boating stunts.

Book a Boat

Boyne Boats' Currachs
Ross Kenny is the founder of Boyne Boats
As featured on Game of Thrones

Currach Boats

Wonderwoman boats Prepping boats for filming
Game of Thrones Backstage at Dragonstone Season 7 - In the background during the Theon fight with the Iron Islanders
As featured on Game of Thrones
As seen on

Game of Thrones

As you sit in the same currach seat as Jon Snow, reflect back whilst you take the same journey as our ancestors before us. Currachs have existed since the early building blocks of ancient Irish civilisation, continuously adapting to the environment in which they operate. This authentic mode of transport makes digesting Irish history all the more enjoyable.

See currachs in modern day, with the boat becoming more popular in recent times for recreational activities. With currach-racing leagues on the west coast of Ireland, and the Meitheal Mara’s Ocean to City race on the south coast, we’re sure your Boyne Boats experience won’t be the last time you see a currach.

With a deep knowledge of currachs and Irish history, you’ll have the opportunity to find out more about these traditional, Irish boats on your Boyne Boats experiences with tour guide and founder, Ross Kenny.

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